Reply To: Icy Iron is officially open for business!

St. Louis Triathlon Club Forums – Draft Club Events Icy Iron Icy Iron is officially open for business! Reply To: Icy Iron is officially open for business!


Week 4 results are online. The same four club members have completed their first round, but we have a lot of members getting very close to that finish line. The totals section at the far right of the spreadsheet will tell you what percentage of each event you have left, and there’s a TRUE/FALSE column to show if you’ve completed your total race or not.

Interesting data points:
Jessica P has completed 18.88 miles of swimming in four weeks. Those are some serious prune hands.
James A has logged 418 miles on the bike in four weeks.
John Z has racked up 118.1 miles of running – that’s more running miles than would be needed for the Iron distance bike.

Dale C signed up for a 1X, but has already completed enough miles for the 2X distance. If anyone would like to change their 1X/2X designation, let me know. This is the only race out there where you can change the distance on the fly.