Reply To: 2016-2017 Round 2 Icy Iron

St. Louis Triathlon Club Forums – Draft Club Events Icy Iron 2016-2017 Round 2 Icy Iron Reply To: 2016-2017 Round 2 Icy Iron


Final updates for Icy Iron Round 2 have been published. Congratulations to all of our finishers! It was rough work, but we got it done.

1X finishers are:
Bob E
Breanna B
Dale C
Emily J
Gina G
Jessica P
Justin F
Karen P
Liz B
Marian H
Michael B
Michael D
Peggy S
Suzie E
Tori H

And our amazing 2X finishers:
Dave D
Jaime M
Jennifer M
John S
John Z
Rachel S
Ryan E
Scott H
Scott K
Shone S
Teresa J

Our top swimmer was Rachel S, putting in 26.66 miles. That’s a marathon plus an extra half mile just for good measure. She was also our top biker, putting in an impressive 441 miles.
Top runner was John Z, pounding out 189.2 miles. That’s the distance from Saint Louis to Champaign, IL.

Combined distances, Round 2 for the entire club were 258 miles swimming, 6,375 miles biking, and 2,294 miles running.
Combined distances, Round 1 for the entire club were 263 miles swimming, 6,994 miles biking, and 2,107 miles running.

Total for both rounds was 521 miles swimming, 12,269 miles biking, and 4,401 miles running. The total swim would get us from Saint Louis MO to Berlin Ohio. The bike distance would be equivalent to riding from Saint Louis to the South Pole, then traveling to Beijing China. The running distance is the same as traveling from Saint Louis to Brussels, Belgium.

Folks, that is a lot of water, a lot of bike tires, and a quite a few shoes. Best of all, it means we are in better shape to hit the triathlon season this year. Well done!

Prizes will be awarded at the next meeting.

Michael J Bennett