Mentoring – Bike Beginner’s Maintenance 2 :: St. Louis Triathlon Club

Mentoring – Bike Beginner’s Maintenance 2

Date(s) - 04/19/2015
5:15 pm - 8:15 pm

Big Shark Loop



We have 3 additional Bike Maintenance session if you are interested.


Please plan to attend this scheduled bike maintenance class hosted by Big Shark. This class was specially designed as a refresher class. As a cyclist you should be familiar with your bike and how to properly care for your high price equipment. Class is limited to 10 members the cost is $15.00 which includes a club discount. This is a hands on class so please bring your bike.

Topics will include:

1. Vocabulary-Learning all of the parts of the bicycle and what they do.
2. Key ingredients- Tools and accessories you should have with you when you ride.
3. Learning how to change a flat tire.
4. Learning how to check up on the “health” of your bicycle’s various systems.
5. How to lube and maintain your bike.


Bookings are for St. Louis Tri Club members only, please login to RSVP.

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