June Membership Meeting – New Date and Place :: St. Louis Triathlon Club

June Membership Meeting – New Date and Place

Date(s) - 06/15/2015
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Parkway North HIgh School


TriSmart Training Systems Leads June Tri Club Meeting


Our June Meeting will be held on Monday 6/15 at 6:30pm at Parkway North Track.

It’s a bit different than our usual meetings so you’ll want to know the details so you can plan to come!


Do you have a HR monitor, but you don’t really know what the numbers mean or how to use them?  You watch the HR number and wonder if it is good or bad and when it should be what?  Or maybe you set your HR zones previously, but you haven’t check or updated them recently – now is your chance!

Jennifer Meyer of TriSmart Training Systems, one of our club sponsors, will work with you to set your run HR training zones at the next meeting.  We did this 2 years ago at the Ladue track.  This year we’re adding a new feature.  Not only will Jennifer figure out and give you your unique HR training zones.  She will also give you some estimated pace zones to use in conjunction with the HR zones.  As many club members have GPS it is useful to have pace zones and HR zones to train in the most effective manner.


This event/meeting will include a hard running workout.  Please bring your HR monitor (and know how to use it – this is important as there will not be time to figure out watches – just to use them to collect and recall data).  All abilities are welcome and will benefit – it is not a competition with each other, but a test of your individual efforts.  Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone and you can suffer with other tri club members as many will do the test with you.


Jennifer will explain the test and then you will do it and then you will give Jennifer the data right after the test and she will have her laptop and she will compute your unique HR training zones and estimated pace zones.  Jennifer will fill out and give you a worksheet that you can take home to start using your zones to train effectively and get better results.


The Heart rate guidance charts in the health clubs can be right for some and very wrong for others.


After the test is completed and you have your results in hand, Jennifer will give a short talk about using HR and pace zones to help you train.


You’ll want to be somewhat rested going into this event as you will be running a hard 30 minute race/test so if you did a hard workout earlier in the day or the day before you will not perform as well and might not get as good results.  Jennifer recommends you do no other workout beforehand that day and something easy the day before is fine.


You want hands on and practical?!  This can’t get much better than that!

We will have food and snacks as usual, but you’ll want to plan to eat them after the run test.  As this is similar to running something like at 5K or up to a 5 mile race (for fast folks) – it is a hard effort and you won’t want much food in your tummy.


We will begin a group warmup at 6:30pm so folks can start the run test as soon as they are able.  If you can’t arrive that early, you can come later and get started as soon as possible after you arrive.

Athletico (formerly Pro Rehab Endurance Project will be onsite for free Health Screenings starting at 6 pm.



Bookings are for St. Louis Tri Club members only, please login to RSVP.

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