July Membership Meeting :: St. Louis Triathlon Club

July Membership Meeting

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Date(s) - 07/25/2018
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Join us on Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Interactive Meeting!!!


WHERE: John Burroughs School Track (755 Price Road); Parking entrance closest to track is off of Clayton Road



Starting at 6:30 pm, TriSmart Head Coach, Jennifer Meyer will talk briefly about the benefits of HR training and will help all attendees to set their unique HR training zones for running.

This meeting is informative, interactive and possibly a little hard because it includes a hard running workout. Note: If you can’t arrive at 6:30, please try to arrive no later than 7:15 pm.


  • Bring your HR monitor and KNOW HOW TO USE IT!
  • Rest easy or have a light workout the day before because you will run a hard 30 minute time trial.
  • Have a light snack right before (no full tummies) and hydrate.

After your time trial, we will have beverages and a light snack available for all.

This meeting, as well as all others, is open to current and prospective members.


Bookings are for St. Louis Tri Club members only, please login to RSVP.

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