New Jersey State Triathlon – Olympic / Sprint :: St. Louis Triathlon Club

New Jersey State Triathlon – Olympic / Sprint

Date(s) - 07/22/2017 - 07/23/2017
All Day

Mercer County Park - Boathhouse Marina


  • Sprint (Saturday): 500m OWS / 11.5 mile bike / 3.1 mile swim
  • Olympic (Sunday): 1500m OWS / 20 mile bike / 6.2 mile run

(From the website)The New Jersey State Triathlon is the largest triathlon in New Jersey

Voted One of the Best Triathlons in the Nation

Nominated by you as one of the top 5 best triathlons ~ Triathlon Business International
Annually selling out to 3,400 triathletes since its inception, the race is not only the largest triathlon in New Jersey but one of the largest in the country.

The New Jersey State Triathlon features one of the fastest, flattest courses in the Nation.



Bookings are for St. Louis Tri Club members only, please login to RSVP.

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